Amazing features that quickly
build your Business Today...

Fund Transfer

Fund Transfer very easy and simple. With our portal anybody can transfer money anywhere in India in bank Account with detail of IFIC code of bank and account No.

Account Verification

Know your customer: Verify bank account and holder name instantly before sending money.

e Cash Collection

Automatically track customer payments with virtual bank accounts. No more manual reconciliation.

AEPS, Adhar Pay

OneStopSmart provide mini ATM type service Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS). it's very easy and simple.

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Stand out from competition with OneStopSmart

OneStopSmart has built a technology-driven retail network allowing relevant stakeholders to run a super-efficient, fast-moving company that generates high ROI for the retail merchants.

OneStopSmart helps you to make your Recharge Business

It does this through its state-of-the-art portal “Connect” that binds together a diverse network of retailers, distributors, network partners and managers to offer seamless Fund transfer and payment services to customers.

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